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Reptile Surveys in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset

Habitat Surveys & Preliminary Ecological Assessments in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset

Badger Surveys in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset

Otter Surveys in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset

Owl Surveys in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset

Lee Ecology is an independent ecological consultancy based in South West England and offers a range of ecological services. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer care, prompt delivery of work and attention to detail. Please contact us at info@leeecology.com.


Environmental & Ecological

Lee Ecology offer a range of Environmental and Ecological services in Devon and Cornwall.


Planning Applications

Our ecological reports accompany planning applications and issues relating to protected species.


Protected Species

We can advise on issues such as bats, barn owls, reptiles, badgers and otters.

Otter Surveys

The UK otter population suffered a dramatic decline between the…

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Barn Owl Surveys

Barn owls once used to be a common sight but…

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Bat Surveys

We can undertake Bat Surveys for planning applications… We have…

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Badger Surveys

We can undertake Badger Surveys for planning applications… Badgers are…

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Welcome To Lee Ecology

We are an independent ecological consultancy based in the South West and offer a range of environmental and ecological services. We operate primarily within Cornwall, Devon and Somerset but are able to undertake work throughout the UK. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer care, prompt delivery of work and attention to detail.

We strongly believe that it is possible to strike a balance between the needs of people and the needs of nature and strive to work with our clients to achieve this. We are adept at providing ecological reports to accompany planning applications and can advise on issues relating to ecology and protected species such as bats, barn owls, reptiles, badgers and otters.

Our clients include architects, developers, estate agents, local councils and private individuals; we also undertake sub-contracting work for other ecological consultants and have a network of associates around the UK. All work is done according to the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management's (CIEEM) Code of Conduct.

Click on the image below to download our Ecological Survey Periods chart